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  • California court invalidates law requiring Trump tax returns

    California court invalidates law requiring Trump tax returns

    Top Stories & Analysis 11/19/2019

    President Donald Trump does not have to disclose his tax returns to appear as a candidate on California’s primary ballot next spring, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday.The law, the first of its kind in the nation and aimed squa...

  • Suu Kyi to lead Myanmar team contesting genocide court case

    Suu Kyi to lead Myanmar team contesting genocide court case

    Courts and the Judiciary 11/18/2019

    Myanmar said Wednesday its leader Aung San Suu Kyi will head the legal team contesting a genocide case filed against it in the International Court of Justice over the crackdown on Rohingya Muslims two years ago that set off their exodus to Bangladesh...

  • Ohio Supreme Court keeps camera challenge alive

    Ohio Supreme Court keeps camera challenge alive

    Top Stories & Analysis 11/15/2019

    Ohio’s Supreme Court has rejected Toledo’s motion to dismiss a challenge to how the city handles appeals of citations related to camera-captured traffic violations.The high court recently rejected the motion to dismiss a challenge by Susa...

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    A treasure hunter who accuses the state of North Carolina of misusing his images from Blackbeard's flagship says he'll ask for 10 times the damages he originally sought, now that a court ruling has come down in his favor.John Masters of Florida-based...

  • Woman accused of disorderly conduct outside Maricopa court

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    National News 10/27/2019

    An Army infantry soldier described by a prosecutor as a Satanist hoping to overthrow the U.S. government faces a federal court hearing in a case in which he’s charged with distributing information about building bombs.The hearing in U.S. Distri...

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    A French court has postponed until Nov. 7 a decision on whether to uphold preliminary charges against French cement manufacturer Lafarge, including "complicity in crimes against humanity."The decision comes as the Paris appeal court on Thursday ruled...

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    Courts and the Judiciary 10/25/2019

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    A historian’s effort to unseal grand jury records from the brazen 1946 lynching of two black couples on a Georgia riverbank prompted tough questions in a federal appeals court, but the judges also suggested there might be another way to win rel...

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    A historian’s quest for the truth about a gruesome mob lynching of two black couples is prompting a U.S. appeals court to consider whether federal judges can order grand jury records unsealed in decades-old cases with historical significance.Th...

  • In or out? Court case on job bias casts pall on LGBT fests

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    National Coming Out Day festivities were tempered this year by anxiety that some LGBT folk may have to go back into the closet so they can make a living, depending on what the Supreme Court decides about workplace discrimination law.But the mere fact...

  • Supreme Court to begin new term: About the top cases

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    The biggest cases before the Supreme Court are often the last ones to be decided, and the focus on the court will be especially intense in June, just a few months before the 2020 election.President Donald Trump first announced his intention in 2017 t...